Artist :Apakalypse
Album :The Federation
Year :2012
Genre :Hip-Hop
Quality :188kbps
Size :97,84 MB
Playtime:75:29 min
Rip Date:Mar.08.2013
01. Interlude
02. Apak the Immortal
03. Foil Helmets
04. 50 in Da Clip (Ft. Jahnigga the Baptist)
05. Disrespected
06. Hip-Hop Apakalypse
07. Never Bail
08. Holler at A Pimp
09. Metallic Cocks
10. Bogus Bonus
11. Leaping Lizards
12. Junky Bums
13. South Nebula
14. Interlude
15. Ball Sacks
16. Never Give Up Nukka (Ft. No Emotion)
17. Super Friends
18. The Impaler
19. Kill that
20. Boom Boom Bap
21. Interstellar Innovator
22. Cutlass Supreme (Ft. No Emotion)
23. Ninja Hand Styles
24. Out the Box
25. Process of Elimination (Ft. Beast 1333)
26. The Madness Within
Propz 2 WTCF